Monday, October 13, 2008

My Significant Place

One place that is significant to me is my townhouse in upstate New York. It is a place where I have been going since I was younger and has provided me with many special memories. Every year at Christmas time, my entire family goes to the house and enjoys the Christmas holiday. This tradition is very special to me because I feel it is important for families to be together for the holidays. During the year its often diffucult to gather all the members of my family because of work and other obligations. The Christmas time however brings my family together, and we show our love for one another through gifts and presents.

I love the atmosphere my townhous provides. The smell of the air and environment is different and unique. It is a very quiet place where you can think about things and nobody bothers you. In Staten Island, I dont have this opportunity to relax and to reflect on things. When I am at my significant place, I usually ski and snowboard. Ever since I was a child, I have always had a passion for these sports and my townhouse allows me to experience them. I still have some many special memories in my mind from the townhouse. One memory I could recall is when my brother helped me make my 1st snowman who I named Gunther

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