Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Curse of The Lottery?

Whenever I walk into the deli, I usually come out with about five or six scratch offs. I like to play the $1000 a week for life game. I always tell myself "you never know" and that I have the same chance to win as everybody else. Plus scratching off the numbers kind of gets me addicted at times. I rarely play the mega millions game because I'll most likely forget to watch the drawing so what's the point.

I recently heard a story on the news about how the lottery curses its winners. Previousley I thought to myself, how can the lottery result in a downfall and actually hurt people? Winning the lottery for most people is a dream come true and a life changing event. However, I did some research and found out that there are quite a few people out there who have been affected by this curse.

I found out that one third of lottery winners go bankrupt after a couple short years. Many winners lost their close family members and friends over the prize. I could understand that it would be difficult for certain people to avoid sharing their wealth with people who really aren't friends. I also think it's possible some of the winners felt so overwhelmed with their money, that they didnt know how to use it. One story that cought my eye, was about a women from New Jersey who won the lottery twice and now lives in a trailer. It's hard enough to believe that somebody won the lottery twice, but its even harder to believe that person now lives in a trailer. Another wild story was about how one winner had a brother that hired a hitman to kill him. Personally, I dont understand how some people could be so careless. Even after reading about this curse, I'll still take my chances and play scratch offs.

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