Sunday, September 7, 2008

McCain's controversial choice for running mate

Republican presidential contender John McCain has named Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as his vice presidential running mate. This is a decision that has drawn immediate criticism from many skeptics who question Palin’s record and opinions on several key issues. Ms Palin is due to make what will be a high anticipated address to the Republican convention in St Paul, Minnesota on Wednesday night. It will be her first chance to calm politicans and experts who have questioned her experience and background.

In a presidential campaign that has been very exciting, McCain made his selection six days after his Democratic rival Barack Obama named Senator Joseph Biden of Delaware as his running mate. There is a strong contrast and many differences between the two running mates. Obama picked an older running mate, and a man whom has been regarded as qualified to be president. McCain chose Palin who is a generation younger than he is, and who has been a governor for less than two years.

Palin began her political career by serving two terms on the Alaska City Council. She was then elected twice as mayor of Wasilla . She was elected governor in 2006, becoming the first woman to hold office. Palin is a mother to five children, one of whom is a soldier in the US Army. Her youngest son has down syndrome, which was discovered during her pregnancy. Palin does not believe in abortion becuase she is a pro-life christian.

McCain’s selection of Palin as his VP candidate makes her the first female vice presidential candidate of the Republican Party and only the second female vice presidential candidate to represent a major political party. The other woman nominated VP for a major political party was Geraldine Ferraro who ran in 1984 for the Democrats. She will also be the first politician from Alaska to run for either president or vice president.

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